Simplified manual definition of multiplets.Selected multiplets are highlighted by hovering over the spectrum

The concept of 1D multiplets has now been extended to 2D multiplets.Since version 14, 2D assignments can be made to 2D multiplets. Peaks and ranges are still supported, but are not recommended. The Assignments table shows chemical shifts and interval limits.“Unified Assignments”: A “unified” chemical shift is calculated from multiplets corresponding to different NMR experiments (e.g.

Resolution Booster - A new algorithm for the resolution enhancement of 2D NMR spectra.Customize how NMR data is imported, such as selecting raw or processed data.Ability to stack spectra horizontally in addition to the vertical stacked plots.Advised Processing tool to suggest the most sensible processing options for most 1D and 2D NMR spectra typically used in liquid NMR spectra of small molecules.‘Auto-reference’ option based on the solvent peak when required.Export NMR information such as assignments, couplings and spectra description together with the new NMReData standard format.A number of improvements have been implemented in the 1D traces of 2D NMR spectra.Internal projections are calculated using the currently displayed region of the 2D spectrum.